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your best Scholarships

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APU Merit Award
Most Popular Scholarship

APU Merit Award

10A+ 100% (interview required)
9As 50%
8As 40%
7As 30%
6As 20%
4-5As 10%
*A includes A+ / A / A-
9As 50%
8As 35%
7As 20%
4-6As 10%
*A includes A* / A
12 pts & below 50%
13 - 18 pts 35%
19 - 24 pts 20%
25 - 30 pts 10%
*Aggregate pts of best 6 subjects
AAA 50%
AAB 35%
ABB / AAC 20%
BBB 10%
CGPA 3.70 50%
CGPA 3.40 35%
CGPA 3.00 20%
*CGPA in best 3 subjects
37 pts 30%
26 - 36 pts 20%
90% 50%
85% 35%
80% 20%
75% 10%
Instant approval
Accepts forecast/trial results

4+ Scholarships

Don’t miss out on these scholarships -
Rebates for Sabahan/Sarawakian
Sportsman Awards
MDEC Digital Ninja Rebates
... and many more!
Taylor's College Excellence Award (Foundation)
Most Popular Scholarship

Taylor's College Excellence Award (Foundation)

8A+ / 9As & above RM 12,000
8As RM 7,000
7As RM 6,000
6As RM 4,000
5As RM 2,000
*A includes A+ / A / A-
8A* / 9As & above RM 12,000
8As RM 7,000
7As RM 6,000
6As RM 4,000
5As RM 2,000
*A includes A* / A
12 pts & below RM 12,000
13 - 15 pts RM 6,000
*Aggregate pts of best 5 subjects
Instant approval
Accepts forecast/trial results
Can upgrade with actual results
Apply before intake closing date

20+ Scholarships

Don’t miss out on these scholarships -
Excellence Award for A-Level, Diploma, SACE and more
Community Scholarship
World Class Scholarship
Sports Scholarship
Merit Scholarship
... and many more!
IMU Foundation in Science Scholarship
Most Popular Scholarship

IMU Foundation in Science Scholarship

9As & above RM 15,450
8As RM 8,000
7As RM 7,000
6As RM 6,000
5As RM 5,000
4As RM 4,000
3As RM 3,000
*A includes A+ / A / A-
9As & above RM 15,450
8As RM 8,000
7As RM 7,000
6As RM 6,000
5As RM 5,000
4As RM 4,000
3As RM 3,000
*A includes A* / A
Instant approval
Min. 2As in Science subjects
Accepts actual results only

5+ Scholarships

Don’t miss out on these scholarships -
Progression Bursary
Merit Scholarship
... and many more!
SEGi High Achiever’s Scholarship
Most Popular Scholarship

SEGi High Achiever’s Scholarship

10As 100%
9As 75%
8As 50%
*A includes A+ / A / A-
10As 100%
9As 75%
8As 50%
*A includes A* / A
7As or 5 pts 100%
6As or 7 pts 75%
5As or 10 pts 50%
4As or 15 pts 35%
*Aggregate pts of best 5 subjects
CGPA 4.00 / 4As 100%
CGPA 3.75 / 3As 75%
CGPA 3.50 / 2As 50%
1A 35%
4As 100%
3As 75%
2As 50%
CGPA 4.00 100%
CGPA 3.75 75%
CGPA 3.5 50%
ATAR 95 - 100 100%
ATAR 90 - 94 75%
ATAR 85 - 89 50%
40 - 42 100%
36 - 39 75%
34 - 35 50%
Instant approval
Accepts forecast/trial results
Not applicable for health sciences

20+ Scholarships

Don’t miss out on these scholarships -
ACE Scholarship
Foundation Scholarship Scheme
Sports Scholarship
Sentuhan Kasih (BRO)
Clubs and Societies Scholarship
... and many more!
MMU Merit Scholarship (Degree)
Most Popular Scholarship

MMU Merit Scholarship (Degree)

5A1s 50%
3A1s 25%
AAB & above 50%
AAC / AAD 25%
ABB / ABC / BBB 25%
CGPA 3.75 50%
CGPA 3.50 25%
CGPA 3.75 30%
CGPA 3.75 30%
CGPA 3.75 30%
Instant approval
Accepts actual results only
Not applicable for Law degree

3+ Scholarships

Don’t miss out on these scholarships -
President's Scholarship
Sports Excellence Scholarship
Revised Foundation Fee
... and many more!
UNITAR I-Future Scholarship (Foundation/Diploma)
Most Popular Scholarship

UNITAR I-Future Scholarship (Foundation/Diploma)

7As up to 100%
4-6As up to 20%
1-3As up to 10%
*A includes A+ / A / A-
7As up to 100%
4-6As up to 20%
1-3As up to 10%
*A includes A* / A
Instant approval
Accepts actual results only
Only for UNITAR Kelana Jaya & Regional Centre Sabah

10+ Scholarships

Don’t miss out on these scholarships -
Tertiary Merit Scholarship for Degree
B40 Special Fee Bursary with PTPTN
Accommodation Subsidy
M40 Special Tuition Discount
School Teacher Recognition Award
... and many more!
HELP Distinction Award (Diploma)
Most Popular Scholarship

HELP Distinction Award (Diploma)

9As 100%
8As 75%
6-7As 50%
4-5As 30%
*A includes A+ / A / A-
9As 100%
8As 75%
6-7As 50%
4-5As 30%
*A includes A* / A
Instant approval
Accepts forecast/trial results
No upgrade with actual results

10+ Scholarships

Don’t miss out on these scholarships -
Distinction Award for Diploma / Degree
School Achievers Study Award
UEC Fee Waiver
Diploma-to-Degree Bursary
... and many more!
UoSM Top & High Achiever Scholarships (Engineering & Computer Science Foundation Year)
Most Popular Scholarship

UoSM Top & High Achiever Scholarships (Engineering & Computer Science Foundation Year)

8A+ 100%
6 - 7A+ / 10As RM 13,000
9As RM 9,000
5A+ / 8As RM 8,000
7As RM 7,000
4A+ / 6As RM 6,000
3A+ / 5As RM 3,000
1 - 4As RM 2,500
*A includes A+ / A / A-
8A* 100%
6 - 7A* / 10As RM 13,000
9As RM 9,000
5A* / 8As RM 8,000
7As RM 7,000
4A* / 6As RM 6,000
3A* / 5As RM 3,000
1 - 4As RM 2,500
*A includes A* / A
Instant approval
Accepts actual results only
As in Physics and Mathematics

10+ Scholarships

Don’t miss out on these scholarships -
Achiever Scholarship for Undergraduate
Special UEC Grant
Study Grant
Academic Excellence Progression Scholarship
... and many more!

Can’t decide which university?

No worries! You can still register the Scholar Search Online to get matched with scholarships from other top universities.
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IHH Healthcare Singapore Nursing Sponsorship

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Sarawak Energy Scholarship

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The process of finding the suitable university for me is quick and efficient. I’m glad I got 50% scholarships from the university that I applied through here.
from Sabah
At first I was not sure about my study path but with Pathway Match, I got to know where I can study and a lot of scholarships I can get based on my results of only 5A.
from Sarawak
感谢Uni Enrol 这个平台,给我许多合适的学校和学科做参考,让我能继续升学。就算我的成绩并不出众,也成功被想要的学府录取。而且清寒子弟也能获得奖学金,为生活减轻负担。
Wei Chin
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感谢Uni Enrol给予我的帮助以及建议,才能让我在得到助学金和详细资讯的情况下以可负担的学费进入我根本没想过有机会进的大学。要是当初没有他们的帮忙,相信现在的我还是在迷茫中渡过。
from Negeri Sembilan
Uni Enrol 帮我找到了与我条件符合的大学,申请过程简单,不会花太久的时间。匹配大学/奖学金与津贴的体验总结来说是非常顺畅,非常划算,可以用最便宜的价钱升学👌
Brian Yong
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Uni Enrol 的辅导员在短短一天内就帮我申请好了大学,而且很友善,给我的感觉就像是朋友这样。最重要的是他帮我settle一切,很适合我这样的电脑白痴。所以我超级推荐大家这个website!
Ke Tian
from Penang
I never knew what to do after graduation, but thanks to Uni Enrol, I was able to get a full scholarship in college despite my SPM results not being that great!
Gwyneth Chin
from Sabah
Uni Enrol made my college research so convenient and less stressful really! I even received my offer letter in a day with a scholarship of RM 12.5K!
Joyce Tan
from Kuala Lumpur
They paired me with scholarships in a matter of hours. They were thorough in their explanations and I understood fully what I was getting myself into.
from Selangor
I have recommended to my friends who lost their way and after being consulted by Uni Enrol, they all found their ways and are getting ready to fly with scholarships.
Tan Yun
from Penang

Scholarships 101 : FAQ

How to qualify or be eligible for scholarships?

You can qualify to apply for scholarships, if you meet the requirements that are defined for the scholarships. When you explore for scholarships on our Uni Enrol site, we automatically check your eligibility for the respective scholarships based on the details in your Pathway Match profile. Typical scholarship requirements include:

  • Course entry requirement: Some scholarships, esp. those provided by private institutions, only require students to be eligible for the course that they apply for, e.g. SPM 3Cs for Diploma or 5Cs for Foundation courses.
  • Academic results: Almost all private universities/colleges offer a merit scholarship scheme, where your overall results would determine the scholarship amount that you qualify for, e.g. number of As in SPM/O-Level/A-Level or Foundation/Diploma CGPA or UEC points.
  • Sports achievements: A handful of private institutions do offer up to 100% sports scholarships to students, who are national sports players. Similar scholarships with a lower award amount may also apply for sports players at the state-level or lower.
  • Non-academic achievements: Most full scholarships require their applicants to excel in both academic (i.e. exam results) and non-academic endeavours (e.g. leadership roles in clubs/organisations, or awards when participating in events/competitions), as they want candidates that are either talented or have leadership qualities or both.
  • Household income or other challenging conditions: On top of private institutions, there are many corporate or government organisations that offer full/partial scholarships to enable deserving students with a needy background to further their higher education. These include students with low family household income (e.g. below RM4,000/mth), with single parent, or with disabilities. 
How to apply online for a scholarship?

At Uni Enrol, we have digitalised the application process for private universities and colleges in Malaysia, in order to enable students like you to fill up, upload and submit uni/college registration and scholarship application forms directly online with a single login on apply.unienrol.com

Just drop us a message and without any additional cost, you will be assigned a dedicated counsellor that will guide you through the online application process and follow-up accordingly until the entire application with the university is concluded. This is normally the case because your desired university/college may not have a dedicated application portal for their registration and scholarships.

If the scholarship provider has prepared its own online application portal for an online submission, you will be informed accordingly.

How to get a scholarship for Malaysia or study abroad?

The requirements and application to get a scholarship differ by scholarship providers.

In general, merit scholarships provided by private universities/colleges can be instantly secured through Uni Enrol as long as the academic requirements are met. These partial scholarships are awarded automatically upon application on a first-come-first-serve basis and therefore, students are advised to register with their preferred university/college early (with trial/forecast results where applicable) before the scholarship quota is full.

In the case of many non-merit scholarships (e.g. talent & leadership / financial / overseas scholarships), the slots are very limited. Therefore, the scholarship requirements are typically much higher e.g. in terms of academic and non-academic achievements. The application process is also more tedious (e.g. multiple assessments and interviews) so that only the most deserving candidates are shortlisted to receive the scholarships. If you are interested in these scholarships, then you would need to monitor the respective scholarship portals very closely so that you do not miss out on the application opening and submission deadline. 

What are the oversea scholarships for Malaysians?

Overseas scholarships that you may consider, if you want to study abroad with full sponsorships, include:

  • Government scholarships like JPA, MARA, Khazanah and ASEAN Scholarship
  • Corporate scholarships like Shell, Petronas, UEM, Sime Darby Scholarship

For a more extensive list of such scholarships, especially for SPM school leavers, do check out this article: https://unienrol.com/article/scholarships-after-spm-to-study-overseas-or-locally

How do you get a 100% full scholarship?

Full scholarships that covers 100% of tuition fees are very limited and competitive in nature. Therefore, the students, who are ultimately shortlisted to be scholarship recipients are generally high achievers e.g.:

  • Outstanding academic track record e.g. for many overseas scholarships for Malaysians, you need at least 7 A+/A in SPM to be eligible
  • Excellent non-academic achievements e.g. awards in sports or competitions, and leadership roles in extracurricular activities
  • Good communication skills and leadership qualities as per demonstrated during interviews and assessments

Alternatively, there are other financing options that you may consider to fully fund your studies like:

  • Scholarships with employment bond e.g. you only need 5Cs to be eligible for a fully sponsored Nursing studies (click here for details)
  • PTPTN loan plus financial aid e.g. UNITAR offer scholarship schemes to offset fee balance not covered by PTPTN (click here for details)
  • Income share agreements e.g. Forward School offer financial schemes where students can study first and only start to pay back the fees after graduation (click here for details)
What government scholarships to apply for?

The more well-known government scholarships (or those provided by government-related agencies) in Malaysia are:

  • JPA Scholarships (check out https://www.jpa.gov.my/pelajar/program-penajaan) e.g. Program Khas Lepasan SPM Dalam Negara, Program Khas JKPJ (Jepun Korea Perancis Jerman), Program Penajaan Nasional, Program Dermasiswa B40 and Program Ijazah Dalam Negara (PIDN)
  • MARA Scholarship
  • Bank Negara Scholarship
  • Khazanah Scholarship
  • Yayasan Peneraju Scholarship and Financial Schemes
  • Penang Future Foundation

For more details and links to some of these scholarships, do check out this article about SPM scholarships: https://unienrol.com/article/scholarships-after-spm-to-study-overseas-or-locally 

What are corporate scholarships to apply for?

Many corporates are offering full scholarships to deserving students and their application is only open once a year. These include (but is not limited to):

  • Energy Companies e.g. Petronas Scholarship, Shell Scholarship, Sarawak Energy Scholarship
  • Government-linked Corporations e.g. Yayasan UEM, Yayasan Sime Darby, Yayasan TNB, Yayasan Telekom Malaysia, Yayasan Tun Ismail (PNB)
  • Banking & Financial Services e.g. CIMB Scholarship, OCBC Scholarship, Yayasan Bank Rakyat, Hong Leong Bank Foundation, Maybank Foundation, OSK Foundation, Cagamas Scholarship, Great Eastern Scholarship
  • Other Public-listed Companies e.g. Top Glove Foundation, Kuok Foundation, Jeffrey Cheah Foundation (Sunway), IJM Scholarship, IOI Group Scholarship, Yayasan KLK, Panasonic Scholarship
Can I apply for PTPTN loan after I get a scholarship?

Yes, you can still apply for PTPTN loan even if you are a scholarship recipient.

This is because most scholarships are just partial scholarships. Therefore, you can then use the PTPTN loan to pay for the tuition fee balance and any surplus can then be used to cover your study and liviing expenses. The only rare exceptions, where PTPTN may not be eligible, are recipients of full scholarships, where the uni/college fees are already fully covered by the scholarship provider. 

Do I have to pay back my scholarship?

In general, no, scholarship recipients do not have to pay back for the award received.

Note that most scholarships are granted as a reward to acknowledge the recipients' achievements (e.g. academic merit, sports) or conditions (e.g. financial need) and not given out as a loan to be repaid. However, scholarship providers may have the right to revoke the scholarship or to request for compensation, only when the recipients  breached the terms and conditions as stipulated in the scholarship agreement.

Examples of breaches in scholarship agreements are:

  • Scholarships with employment bond : If the scholarship recipient quits his/her studies halfway or breaks the employment bond early, he/she may be required to compensate the scholarship provider for the cost invested to-date.
  • Scholarships with compulsory progression: If the scholarship recipient does not continue his/her Bachelor's degree studies in the same institution (i.e. the scholarship provider), then he/she is required to pay back the scholarship amount received during his foundation or diploma studies. 
How do scholarship payout the award?

In most cases, especially for scholarships offered directly by the university/college, the award only covers tuition fees and hence, it is directly deducted from the expected tuition fee payment. Every semester, scholarship recipients are just required to pay the net tuition fee during the start of every semester.

However, you must take note of the maintenance requirement of your scholarship i.e. the minimum CGPA or results that you need to maintain at the end of every semester, in order to continue to receive the scholarship in your next semester. If you do not meet the minimum requirement, the scholarship may be revoked or permanently downgraded for subsequent semesters.

How to choose the best scholarship?

To choose the best scholarship, use Pathway Match so that you can easily compare uni/college scholarships that are applicable for your course across different universities. With Pathway Match, you will be able to:

  • Identify the eligible scholarships with the highest scholarship amount
  • Know whether these scholarships can be instantly approved/secured or require further candidate shortlisiing or interview
  • Know what other scholarships to consider across different institutions that offer the same course

Your assigned counsellor will also assist you to understand other criteria to consider when choosing the best scholarships e.g.:

  • Ease of maintenance : some scholarships are harder to maintain for the next semester/year, because recipients are expected to maintain high CGPA throughout their studies, or else the scholarship will be revoked or permanently downgraded.
  • Ease of upgrade/downgrade : some scholarships are better because the scholarship amount can only be upgraded (and not be downgraded), when the actual results is better (or worse) than the trial results used for the scholarship application. 
How does an application for scholarship work?

When you want to apply for your uni/college scholarship to your preferred private institution, there are a few key activities that you need to accomplish:

  • Course eligibility : Confirm that your results can be accepted by the uni/college to study your preferred course
  • Scholarship eligibility : Identify scholarships, in which you meet the scholarship requirements and conditions
  • Scholarship pre-approval : Secure conditional approval for the best instant scholarship first, before actual registration
  • Application submission : Submit the application and confirm the registration with payment of registration fee
  • Offer letter acceptance : Accept the offer letter, which typically include details on the instant scholarship secured (if any)

When you apply through Uni Enrol for free, our Pathway Match will automatically check for course and scholarship eligibility, while you will also be assigned a counsellor, who is dedicated to support you throughout the process.

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