3 years

University of York
Intakes : Sep
Duration : 3 years
Award : University of York

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Step 1 Check Entry Requirement
A-Level AAB UEC 4A 1B Diploma CGPA 3.25
Step 2 Check Course Fees
Estimated fees is RM 355,590
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Scholarships available: 0 Awards
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Compare Language Studies courses & estimated total fee across 3 institutions with 2 awards

Entry Requirements


Registration Fee
Resource Fee
Tuition Fee (Home)
MYR 355,590
Estimated Total Fees
MYR 355,590

Course Content

Year 1

You'll take core modules in Spanish. These modules focus on developing your fluency, accuracy and communication expertise.

  • Spanish Language and Society I
  • Spanish Grammar
  • Ab initio Spanish

If you are taking Spanish ab initio, you'll take three Spanish modules and three linguistics modules.

  • Ab Initio Spanish Language Skills
  • Ab Initio Spanish Language and Society
  • Ab Initio Spanish Grammar

You'll take a selection of linguistics modules depending on your background in Spanish. Examples may include:

  • Introduction to Phonetics and Phonology
  • Introduction to Syntax
  • Introduction to Sociolinguistics
  • Introduction to Semantics

Year 2

You'll study a compulsory language module in Spanish.

Spanish Language and Society II 
You will choose another module in Spanish, examples of which may include:

  • Historical Memory in the Spanish-speaking World
  • Spanish & Latin American Culture Through Film

Your studies will focus on issues of culture and society in the Spanish-speaking world. You will develop skills in critical analysis of sources and communicate your findings using Spanish in different registers. You'll tackle questions such as:

  • Why is the Spanish Civil War still a difficult topic in Spain?
  • What is the relationship between the human rights movement and democratisation in Latin America?

You'll study a core linguistics module.

  • Introduction to Language Acquisition 

You'll study an option module, examples of which may include:

  • Intermediate Phonetics and Phonology 
  • Intermediate Syntax

Option modules

  • You'll study further modules in languages or linguistics, these can include one Languages For All module or an elective module offered by another department.

Year 3

Language option modules 
You will take a selection of option modules, examples of which may include:

  • Translation: Methodology and Practice (Spanish)
  • Spanish & Latin American Culture Through Film
  • Latinos in the USA
  • Spanish Language and Society III
  • Independent Study in Spanish

Most linguistics modules require you to have taken certain modules in your first and second year. In some of these, you can choose to focus on a language of your choice. 

Linguistics modules 
You will take a selection of option modules, examples of which may include:

  • Forensic Phonetics
  • Advanced Topics in Phonetics and Phonology
  • Bilingualism 
  • Language as Action
  • Multimodality: Language and the Body
  • Psycholinguistics
  • Advanced Topics in Psycholinguistics
  • Neurolinguistics: Language and the Brain
  • Forensic Linguistics
  • Psycholinguistic Approaches to Second Language Acquisition
  • Applied Phonological Theory: Clinical Data in English
  • The Structure of a Language: Modern Hebrew
  • English Place-names across Time and Space
  • Teaching English as a Foreign Language II 

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Language Studies

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