Penang Skills Development Centre (PSDC)

Penang Skills Development Centre (PSDC)

Penang Skills Development Centre (PSDC)
  • The PSDC (Penang Skills Development Centre) is the first tripartite, industry-led skills training and education centre in Malaysia in 1989
  • The PSDC has grown phenomenally since then to become the premier learning institution in the country; dedicated to meet the immediate human resource needs of the business community and to support and strengthen business requirements
  • It has attained both national and international recognition as a truly successful example of shared learning and a model institution for human resource development to be emulated within and beyond Malaysia; linked to more than 200 member companies, 99% graduates attain employability rate.
  • Affiliated to world-renowned universities in Malaysia, Australia, Germany & United Kingdom, PSDC has more than 20 years of experience in corporate training.
  • Assets of the centre include:
  • 1)More than RM 80 mil Invested in World-Class Facilities
  • 2) More than 20 years of experience in corporate training
  • 3) Offer some of the most comprehensive facilities and support services to cater to corporate events, training, and meeting requirements
  • 4) provide shared lab facilities, rental of high-end testing equipment, as well as other consultation services
  • 5) Trained over 200,000 participants through more than 10,000 courses
  • 6) Assisted in the input and formulation of national policies pertaining to human capital development
  • 7) Pioneered local industry development initiatives and contributed directly to the Malaysian workforce transformation initiatives
  • The PSDC (Penang Skills Development Centre) is the first tripartite, industry-led skills training and education centre in Malaysia in 1989
  • The PSDC has grown phenomenally since then to become the premier learning institution in the country; dedicated to meet the immediate human resource needs of the business community and to support and strengthen business requirements
  • It has attained both national and international recognition as a truly successful example of shared learning and a model institution for human resource development to be emulated within and beyond Malaysia; linked to more than 200 member companies, 99% graduates attain employability rate.
  • Affiliated to world-renowned universities in Malaysia, Australia, Germany & United Kingdom, PSDC has more than 20 years of experience in corporate training.
  • Assets of the centre include:
  • 1)More than RM 80 mil Invested in World-Class Facilities
  • 2) More than 20 years of experience in corporate training
  • 3) Offer some of the most comprehensive facilities and support services to cater to corporate events, training, and meeting requirements
  • 4) provide shared lab facilities, rental of high-end testing equipment, as well as other consultation services
  • 5) Trained over 200,000 participants through more than 10,000 courses
  • 6) Assisted in the input and formulation of national policies pertaining to human capital development
  • 7) Pioneered local industry development initiatives and contributed directly to the Malaysian workforce transformation initiatives
Key Information
icon Intake 2024/25
  • 19 Feb 2024
  • 29 Apr 2024
  • 15 Jul 2024
  • Oct - TBC

icon Year Established : 1989
icon Rankings
icon Intake 2024/25
  • 19 Feb 2024
  • 29 Apr 2024
  • 15 Jul 2024
  • Oct - TBC
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