Penang International Dental College (PIDC)

Penang International Dental College (PIDC)

Penang International Dental College (PIDC)
  • An Established Private Dental College
    PIDC is one of Malaysia’s pioneer private dental college in Malaysia, established in 2006. PIDC’s quality in dental education has been recognised and forwarded MyQuest 4-Star rating by the Ministry of Education, Malaysia. It’s in its 16th year of operations.

  • Benchmarked Curriculum delivered by well-qualified Staff.
    The framework and content of PIDC’s DDS curriculum is benchmarked to meet the highest standards in the dental education. The curriculum is delivered to the students by qualified and experienced academicians.

  • A strong network of Alumni
    PIDC has trained nearly 600 dental surgeons, many of whom are working with the Ministry of Health, Ministry of Defence and in Private Clinical Practice all across Malaysia. The growing alumni of PIDC also has many members pursuing post graduate training in universities in the UK, Australia, Hong Kong and Public Universities in Malaysia.

  • Affordable Fee
    PIDC offers quality education with affordable fees with the aim of training talented dental surgeons to meet the demands of Malaysia and global competent.

  • An Established Private Dental College
    PIDC is one of Malaysia’s pioneer private dental college in Malaysia, established in 2006. PIDC’s quality in dental education has been recognised and forwarded MyQuest 4-Star rating by the Ministry of Education, Malaysia. It’s in its 16th year of operations.

  • Benchmarked Curriculum delivered by well-qualified Staff.
    The framework and content of PIDC’s DDS curriculum is benchmarked to meet the highest standards in the dental education. The curriculum is delivered to the students by qualified and experienced academicians.

  • A strong network of Alumni
    PIDC has trained nearly 600 dental surgeons, many of whom are working with the Ministry of Health, Ministry of Defence and in Private Clinical Practice all across Malaysia. The growing alumni of PIDC also has many members pursuing post graduate training in universities in the UK, Australia, Hong Kong and Public Universities in Malaysia.

  • Affordable Fee
    PIDC offers quality education with affordable fees with the aim of training talented dental surgeons to meet the demands of Malaysia and global competent.

Key Information
icon Intake 2024/25
Foundation in Science
  • Jul 2023
  • Sep 2023

  • Sep 2023

icon Year Established : 2006
icon Rankings
icon Intake 2024/25
Foundation in Science
  • Jul 2023
  • Sep 2023
  • Sep 2023
Strengths & Highlights
Why you should consider Penang International Dental College (PIDC)
Why you should consider
Penang International Dental College (PIDC)


  • It’s a boutique college offering only one programme i.e the Doctor of Dental Surgery (DDS) programme.
  • Has trained over 700 dentist, has the largest alumni amongst the private dental schools.
  • Ranked 4-Star by Ministry of Higher Educations MyQuest ranking.



  • Has 75 dental chair hospital for clinical training.
  • Provides subsidized treatments to its patients who require subsidy.
  • Pre pandemic, used to treat over 25,000 patients per year, making it one of the largest patient treatment clinic in a private dental school.
  • The large number of patients creates better training for its students.

Post Pandemic.

  • The first dental college to create AGP clinic for treatment of aerosol based procedures, thus creating a safe environment to minimize the spread of Covid-19.
  • The AGP Clinic was purpose built using Japanese technology with joint designing by the manufacturer.
  • The first private dental school to commence its clinical operation thus continuing and maintain the required treatments for its patients.


  • Had introduced e-learning portal to its students since 2010, thus the move to online based teaching and learning post pandemic was done seamlessly.
  • Further improvements were done to the portal to cater for the increased usage.
  • The portal is unique as the platform allows for group communications amongst students and lecturers, private communication between individual student and lecturer and private communication between students simultaneously.
  • Lectures are uploaded into YouTube making it convenient for students to access lecturers from wherever they are 24/7.
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