Monash University Malaysia

Scholarship Overview

Monash University Malaysia

Monash Sibling Discount

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Monash University Malaysia
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Course Level:
Undergraduate except for Honours degree courses
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Field of Study:
All Fields


You must meet the following criteria:

  • All siblings must be enrolled concurrently in at least a standard (full) study load of 24 credit points in the semester in a full-fee paying course.
  • The sibling paying the higher tuition fees will be eligible to a 10% discount off his/her semester tuition fees.
  • A sibling enrolled in the Bachelor of Medical Science and Doctor of Medicine, Bachelor of Pharmacy (Honours) and Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) course will be eligible to a maximum discount of RM5,000 per annum.
  • If one of the siblings is a recipient of the Monash High Achiever Award in the same semester, his/her sibling(s) are eligible to a 10% discount off semester tuition fees, provided all other criteria are met.
  • There is no limit to the number of siblings eligible for the scheme.
  • Students who obtain other external scholarships or financial assistance (except PTPTN Loan) at any point of their studies will not be eligible for the scheme.
  • If a student discontinues or intermits from the course, the scheme will no longer be applicable.

* Siblings are defined as two or more children who have both parents in common. This discount is not available to step-siblings, half-siblings, cousins, spouses or other family members. 


  • Applicants must inform the University of changes in any siblings’ enrolment details.  In the absence of two siblings being enrolled in a concurrent semester, or if one sibling receives a scholarship, or if a sibling withdraws or intermits from a course, the discount may be reversed. This means the recipient may be required to reimburse the University.
  • Students who obtain other external scholarships or financial assistance (except PTPTN Loan) at any point of their studies will not be eligible for the scheme.
  • If a student discontinues or intermits from the course, the scheme will no longer be applicable.
  • You must enrol a full load of 24 credit points.
  • You are not permitted to change course.
  • You must complete the course within the normal duration.  No extensions will be permitted.


Tuition Fee

10% discount off semester tuition fees applies to sibling paying the higher tuition fees.  


Discount applies to sibling(s) enrolled in a full-fee paying (full load - 4 units) course in the same semester.


Applicants must pay their semester fees in full by the invoice due date. The discount will be carried forward to offset the next semester fee for successful applicants.

  1. Download the Application Form at Applicants must apply at the start of every semester. Late applications will not be considered.
  2. Submit your application and provide proof of the relationship (such as certified copies of birth certificates) to the Finance Department.
  3. Successful applicants will receive an e-mail to their Monash student address. A reference number will also be provided for subsequent applications.

Application Deadlines are :- 

  • 31 March for February intake fees 
  • 31 August for July intake fees 
  • 30 November for October intake fees 

Tuition fee waiver of


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