Corporate Communication


Corporate communication is the timely dissemination of key corporate information to internal and external parties, with the objective of projecting a positive, favourable image for the company.

Nature of the job

To succeed in this role, you ought to have superior communication skills in both verbal and written forms, as what you present is a direct reflection of the company’s standards and image. That said, grammatical error is a big no no.


You will be the first point of contact should any journalists want to reach out to the company for a official quote. Knowing what to say and when to say is critical, for you can’t go back to your words after they are being communicated, especially to public. Therefore, prior discussion with senior management team is always necessary to make sure everyone is aligned on the communication direction and content.

Sometimes you may find yourself playing the role of a ‘firefighter’, ‘putting out fire’ when crisis hits. Take SP Setia for example, the company made it to the news end of last year as a pedestrian bridge under construction collapsed, killed a construction worker and injured several others. With such a sudden accident, the corporate communication team needed to react quickly and released timely official statements, updating the media and stakeholders on the incident to prevent the widespread of negative publicity, which can be very detrimental to the company.

Job Description
  • Promote the corporate brand
  • Craft effective write-ups for internal and external (media, press release) circulation
  • Narrow the gap between the company’s desired identity and stakeholders’ perception
  • Stay alert with any publications where the company name may have been mentioned. Step in and address the problem in the event that the company’s reputation is marred.

Career Progress: Corporate communication executive > Corporate communication manager > Corporate communication director

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