0.83 years

University of Galway
Intakes : Aug
Duration : 0.83 years
Award : University of Galway

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Degree CGPA 2.80
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Estimated fees is RM 34,088
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Entry Requirements


Registration Fee
MYR 158
Resource Fee
Tuition Fee (Home)
MYR 33,930
Estimated Total Fees
MYR 34,088
Other Fee
Tuition Fee (Euro) @ EUR 7,540 / Year ( 1 EUR = MYR 4.5 )
Registration Fee @ EUR 35 / Once-off ( 1 EUR = MYR 4.5 )

Course Content

August: Bootcamp

  • The BioInnovate Ireland Fellowship programme begins in August with an intense bootcamp phase, during which our fellows focus on the clinical area that has been assigned to their team. Fellows apply the biodesign methodology to their mini-project. Fellows meet with a health technology experts and get to know their teammates.

September & October: Needs Finding

  • During September and October, BioInnovate Ireland fellows immerse themselves in needs finding by shadowing patients and clinicians, attending rounds and observing cases in the clinic, wards and operating rooms. These observations are conducted at a range of Irish, European and International hospitals, as well as other traditional and non-traditional health care settings relevant to the clinical area. The goal is to identify hundreds of unmet clinical needs.

November & December: Needs Screening

  • Fellows will focus on evaluating the identified needs to determine which ones represent the most compelling opportunities. This part of the process involved extensive research, literature review, competitive and market analysis.

January & February: Ideation

  • During this phase, BioInnovate Ireland Fellows begin brainstorming solutions for their top needs. With guidance from our expert mentoring teams in intellectual property, regulatory, reimbursement, and business models, various solution directions are developed to bring ideas to life.

March & April: Strategy Development and Business Planning

  • At this stage, the fellows develop and integrate concrete intellectual property, regulatory, clinical, quality, and reimbursement strategies to take their ideas forward. At the same time, they actively work to develop and de-risk their technologies through research and development, and engineering and testing.

May: Commercialisation Pathways and Postgraduate Diploma Report submission

  • During the last phase of the programme, BioInnovate fellows spend time creating their own unique culminating experience for their fellowship training and focus on the next steps that best align with their career interests/goals. Assessment is continuous and all students are required to submit a Final Postgraduate Diploma report.

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