Course Content
Year 1
Content Creation
Digital Landscape
Economics for Business
Essential Skills in Marketing
Introduction to Marketing Communications
Preparing for Professional Success
Principles of Marketing
Understanding Data
Year 2
Advertising Concepts and Creativity
Campaign Insights, Analysis and Planning
Consumer Behaviour
Digital Experience
Enhancing Employability in Marketing
Managing People
Marketing Research
Social Media and Social Influence
Year 3
Agency Practice and Management
Branding and Communications Strategy
Digital Analytics and Social Media Monitoring
Global Marketing
Managing the Customer Journey
The Future of Marketing
Choose from the following
Integrated Marketing Communications and Strategic Product Management
Dissertation – Marketing
** For offering of electives, please consult the Head of Programme
MPU Subjects
Appreciation of Ethics and Civilisations (Local Students) / Malay Communication 2 (International Students)
Philosophy and Current Issues
Bahasa Kebangsaan A* / Design Thinking
Corporate Social Responsibility and Community Engagement
Integrity and Anti-Corruption
* For Malaysian students who do not have a credit in SPM BM.