International Medical University (IMU)

Bachelor of Science (Hons) Chinese Medicine (3+2), Guangzhou University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, China

Feb Sep
5 years

(Overseas 2 yrs)
Internship available
icon Award
Dual Award - Guangzhou University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, China
Intakes : Feb Sep
Duration : 5 years (Overseas 2 yrs)
Internship : Internship available
Award : Dual Award - Guangzhou University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, China

Is this course for you?

Step 1 Check Entry Requirement
Degree CGPA 2.0 A-Level DD UEC 3B5 2B6 Diploma CGPA 2.0 STPM CGPA 2.50 Foundation CGPA 2.50 IB Diploma 27 pts
Step 2 Check Course Fees
Estimated fees is RM 120,700
Step 3 Check Nett Fee with Scholarship
Scholarships available: 2 Awards
Step 4 Determine Your Best Option
Compare Traditional Chinese Medicine courses & estimated total fee across 5 institutions with 18 awards

Entry Requirements


Registration Fee
MYR 1,000
Resource Fee
Tuition Fee (Home)
MYR 79,500
Tuition Fee (Partner)
MYR 40,200

Tuition Fee Abroad @ RMB 30,000 / Year ( 1 RMB = MYR 0.67 )

Estimated Total Fees
MYR 120,700
Other Fee
Student Association Fees @ MYR 40 / Semester
Refundable Caution Deposit @ MYR 1,000 / Once-off

Awards & Scholarships

Course Content

Semester 1 

  • Chinese Medicine Theory
  • Scientific Thinking and Introduction to Traditional and Complementary Medicine
  • Limb & Trunk Anatomy
  • Selective: Medical Classical Chinese
  • Selective: Traditional Chinese Medicine Culture and Basic Mandarin
  • MPU2 Academic Communication / Bahasa Kebangsaan A

Semester 2 

  • Human Physiology and Biochemistry 1
  • Head and Viscera Anatomy
  • Cell Biology and Genetics
  • Chinese Medicine Diagnosis
  • Chinese Medicine History and School of Thought

Semester 3

  • Human Physiology and Biochemistry 2
  • Chinese Materia Medica and Herbal Formulae 1
  • Acupuncture and Tuina 1
  • Selected Readings of Internal Classic

Semester 4 

  • Chinese Materia Medica and Herbal Formulae 2
  • Psychology for Healthcare Professional
  • Pharmacology and Toxicology
  • Pathology
  • Medical Microbiology
  • Chinese Medicine Practicum 1

Semester 5 

  • Chinese Internal Medicine 1
  • Acupuncture and Tuina 2
  • CSD: Diagnosis
  • Basic Radiology
  • MPU4 Social Responsibility

Semester 6

  • CM Electives
  • Chinese Internal Medicine 2
  • Shang Han Lun
  • Differential Diagnosis in Western Medicine
  • Chinese Medicine Practicum 2

Semester 7 

  • CM Gynaecology
  • CM Paediatrics
  • Golden Chamber
  • Management and Entrepreneurship
  • Research Methodology and Biostatistics

Semester 8 

  • CM Electives
  • Research Project 1
  • Chinese Dermatology and External Medicine
  • Wen Bing
  • Medical Law, Regulations & Ethics
  • First Aid and Emergency Conditions
  • Chinese Medicine Practicum 3

Semester 9

  • Supervised Clinical Practice 1
  • Research Project 2

Semester 10

  • Supervised Clinical Practice 2

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Traditional Chinese Medicine

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