Course Content
September Intake - Malaysia
Year 1
Mandatory September
- Introduction to Interaction Design
- Introduction to Programming 1
- Management in a Global Context
- Fundamentals of Marketing
Mandatory January
- Introduction to Computer Systems
- Data Science Life Cycle
- Database Management Systems
- Introduction to Software Engineering
Optional September
- Self-Empowerment and Social Responsibility I
- National Language A (MPU 3212)
Optional January
- Appreciation of Ethics and Civilisations
- Malay Language Communication 2 (MPU 3143)
- Self-Empowerment and Social Responsibility II
Year 2
Mandatory September
- Human Resource Management
- Knowledge Management
- Software Engineering
- Project Management
Mandatory January
- Professional Development
- Organisational Behaviour
- Sociotechnical and Soft Systems
- Visual Analytics
Mandatory May
- Industrial Training
Optional September
- Philosophy and Current Issues
Optional January
- Integrity and Anti-Corruption
Year 3
Mandatory September
- Research Methods & Requirements Engineering
- Information Systems Methodologies
- Data Mining and Machine Learning
Optional September
- Statistical Modelling and Analysis
- Information Technology Master Class
- Software Engineering Foundations
Mandatory January
- Design & Implementation
- Project Testing and Presentation
- Big Data Management
Optional January
- Applied Text Analytics
- Advanced Human Computer Interaction
- Digital and Knowledge Economy
January Intake - Malaysia
Year 1
Mandatory January
- Introduction to Computer Systems
- Database Management Systems
- Data Science Life Cycle
- Introduction to Programming 1
Optional Janaury
- Malay Language Communication 2 (MPU 3143)
- Appreciation of Ethics and Civilisations
Mandatory May
- Management in a Global Context
- Introduction to Interaction Design
- Fundamentals of Marketing
- Introduction to Software Engineering
Optional May
- National Language A (MPU 3212)
- Philosophy and Current Issues
Year 2
Mandatory September
- Human Resource Management
- Knowledge Management
- Project Management
- Software Engineering
Optional September
- Self-Empowerment and Social Responsibility I
Mandatory January
- Organisational Behaviour
- Sociotechnical and Soft Systems
- Professional Development
- Visual Analytics
Optional January
- Integrity and Anti-Corruption
- Self-Empowerment and Social Responsibility II
Mandatory May
- Industrial Training
Year 3
Mandatory September
- Research Methods & Requirements Engineering
- Data Mining and Machine Learning
- Information Systems Methodologies
Optional September
- Information Technology Master Class
- Statistical Modelling and Analysis
- Software Engineering Foundations
Mandatory January
- Design & Implementation
- Big Data Management
- Project Testing and Presentation
Optional January
- Advanced Human Computer Interaction
- Digital and Knowledge Economy
- Applied Text Analytics