1 years

icon Award
De Montfort University (DMU)
Intakes : Sep
Duration : 1 years
Award : De Montfort University (DMU)

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Degree CGPA 2.00
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Estimated fees is RM 85,320
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Entry Requirements


Registration Fee
Resource Fee
Tuition Fee (Home)
MYR 85,320
Estimated Total Fees
MYR 85,320
Other Fee
Conversion rate for fee calculation @ GBP / ( 1 GBP = MYR 5.40 )

Course Content

Course modules

Mega-Events: Global Sport in Perspective

Examines the contemporary landscape in global sport, focusing on mega-events. It explores their history, structures, governance, management, and commercial aspects, as well as bidding and hosting processes, infrastructure, management and control of events, security, marketing and media rights, and legacies.

Global Sport and Cultural Event Marketing

Examines sport and cultural event marketing opportunities within global settings. It explores key marketing concepts including the marketing environment, segmentation, targeting, and positioning (STP), the marketing mix, branding, and consumer and audience behaviour within international and global contexts.

Sport Ethics and Governance

Examines the ethical, legal, and organisational frameworks for sport. It explores a range of thematic case studies of problematic areas in sport, such as doping, violence, discrimination, child protection, the environment, and human rights.

Sport Heritage

Examines the growing phenomenon of sport heritage, whereby sport organisations and clubs showcase their history and heritage through such avenues as halls of fame, museums, stadium tours, and heritage-based merchandise. The module will include, when travel is permitted, visits to key sport sites and museums so that students can experience hands-on the ways in which heritage is presented and promoted.

Events Leadership 

Addresses the needs of individuals leading cultural, commercial, and sport events and events management organisations. It explores the advantages and weaknesses of public versus private ownership, and the skills needed to motivate, manage and organise staff and other stakeholders to create excellent events.

Optional modules (you will study one):

Fieldwork Experience

Provides you with hands-on experience working with a sport organisation or business. You will gain application and interview skills in the process of securing your fieldwork, and reflect at the end on the experience you have gained within the industry. The Fieldwork Experience is subject to permission from the programme team.

Conference Organisation and Presentation

The module is designed to train you in the skills involved in event organisation and presentation. It will involve collaborative as well as individual research skills. You will be guided through the necessary training in organising a conference, choosing a topic and delivering a relevant paper. You will be assigned a role (treasurer, programme developer, marketing manager, website designer) and will also present a paper at the conference. You will be assessed on a reflective essay, outlining your contribution to the management of the conference and a written version of your presentation (including slides). Please visit the Conference Twitter handle @DMUHumsConf to sample previous years’ conferences.

Final project options (you will study one):

Consultancy Project

Offers an opportunity for you to complete a project related to a sport organisation or business, allowing you to apply knowledge gained on the course. You will write a business-focused report and make recommendations for the organisation.

Heritage Project

Offers an opportunity for you to complete a heritage-based project related to sport. This can include major projects such as exhibitions, cataloguing or digitising collections, or creating databases, completed in conjunction with an existing organisation. You will also submit a final report analysing the project and experience.

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