De Montfort University (DMU)

MSc/PG Dip/PG Cert Energy and Sustainable Development

Jan Sep
1 years

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De Montfort University (DMU)
Intakes : Jan Sep
Duration : 1 years
Award : De Montfort University (DMU)

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Entry Requirements


Registration Fee
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Tuition Fee (Home)
MYR 92,340
Estimated Total Fees
MYR 92,340
Other Fee
Conversion rate for fee calculation @ GBP / ( 1 GBP = MYR 5.40 )

Course Content

Sustainable Development covers the key concepts of sustainable development and sustainability. This module discusses social, ecological and economic sustainability concepts and encourages you to develop a critical appreciation of the sustainable development debate

Sustainable Energy describes the sources of energy, and how they are exploited with a wide range of technologies, with an emphasis on their environmental impacts and long-term sustainability

Sustainable Buildings introduces you to the main aspects of sustainability in regards to the built environment, exploring the environmental, economic and social/cultural issues that need to be considered for achieving successful building design and operation. Topics covered include climate-responsive design, low/ zero carbon performance, energy and water consumption, human factors and urban planning

Resource-Efficient Design provides a grounded understanding of resource-efficient design in both industrial and non-industrial contexts.

This module will adopt a 'whole systems' perspective to the introduction of students to the design process and will encourage them to analyse each stage of development in terms of its impact on resource use and overall energy consumption

Energy Analysis Techniques is a particularly practical module that will equip you with the skills to analyse energy data from buildings and industrial processes, and to carry out energy audits and surveys to identify energy and greenhouse gas saving opportunities.

Issues such as heating, lighting, ventilation and general energy use are considered, and crucially, ways to bring about energy savings and how to make energy saving recommendations, sometimes as much as 20% with zero (or very low) investment.

The case studies we use are mainly for non domestic buildings but all of the techniques can also be applied to dwellings.
The module includes the theory behind energy analysis, and we carry out practical building surveys, and data analysis in lab sessions, the assessment being to prepare a report similar to one you would produce as a professional energy efficiency consultant.

Study Skills and Research Methods provides the skills necessary to successfully complete a research project of a high standard, introducing you to a range of research methodologies and practices relevant to the successful completion of the MSc

Dissertation will complete the MSc by undertaking a research project on a topic of your choice, supervised by an experienced member of research staff

Optional Modules:

Leading Change for Sustainability aims to equip students with theoretical knowledge and practical skills to enable them to play an effective leadership role in promoting sustainability. The module draws upon applied environmental psychology and theories of social and organisational change as its theoretical basis, alongside practitioner-developed understandings of behaviour change and social transformation. The knowledge and skills developed are intended to be applicable in a range of settings, including organisations, government, communities and the personal sphere.

Low-Impact Manufacturing introduces the concept of an industrial system, linking different types of industry, including raw material processing, manufacturing and waste processing, that combine to satisfy consumer demand. It explains the ways in which energy and resource use can be identified at each stage of a product life-cycle and how the associated environmental impacts can be identified and mitigated.

Key international standards relevant to sustainable manufacturing are described, and a technical approach is taken throughout the module

Engineering Business Environment enables you to understand and reflect upon the role of businesses in a rapidly changing, globalised world. As well as considering the changing environment in which businesses operate, time is spent exploring the steps a business can take to respond to the environmental challenges ahead; for example, through supply chain management, logistics, life-cycle analysis, green accounting and carbon trading

You will complete the MSc by undertaking a research project on a topic of your choice, supervised by an experienced member of research staff.

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