Course Content
Part A. Structure and function of the body (how the body works)
How the body works
Part B. Drug structure, disposition and action (how medicines work)
How medicines work 1: Physical chemistry
How medicines work 2: Pharmacokinetics
How medicines work 3: Pharmacology
How medicines work 4: Medicinal chemistry
How medicines work 5: Drug delivery
Part C. Professional practice (what pharmacists do)
Professional practice I
Professional practice II
Professional practice III
Professional practice IV
Professional practice V
Part D. Comprehensive care
Comprehensive care: Respiratory and gastrointestinal
Comprehensive care: Dermatology and pain
Comprehensive care: Endocrinology and renal
Comprehensive care: Cardiovascular
Comprehensive care: Blood, brain and cancers
Comprehensive care: Pathogens, host defence and treatment
Acute care: Inquiry cases
Integrated care
Part E. Inquiry and innovation
Inquiry and innovation methods
Inquiry and innovation projects
Inquiry and innovation communication
Part F. Professional experience
Student experiential placements 1
Student experiential placements 2