Course Content
Subject Listing (Semester 1)
5 Core = 18 Credit Hours
- Intermediate English (4 credit hours)
- Calculus (4 credit hours)
- Computing Principles (4 credit hours)
- Study Skills (3 credit hours)
- Personal Development and Leadership (3 credit hours)
Subject Listing (Semester 2)
2 Core + 2 Electives = 16 Credit Hours
- Advanced English (Pre-requisite: Intermediate English) (4 credit hours)
- Critical Thinking Skills (4 credit hours)
- 2 Electives
Subject Listing (Semester 3)
- 1 Core + 3 Electives = 16 Credit Hours
- Culture, Arts and Politics (4 credit hours)
- 3 Electives
Subject Listing (Science)
SCIENCE ELECTIVE (must complete two sets)
(Each elective subjects = 4credit hours)
- Biology I: Molecules, Cells & Energy
- Biology II: Systems & Functions (Pre-requisite: Biology I)
- Chemistry I: Elements, Compounds & Organic Chemistry 1
- Chemistry II: Thermochemistry & Organic Chemistry 2 (Pre-requisite: Chemistry 1)
Subject Listing (Electives)
Each Elective Subject = 4 Credit Hours
- Finite Mathematics
- Introduction to Programming
- Psychology for Personal Development
- Statistics