Study in the UK

Your dream in the UK is closer than you think
Apply With Us and Get Bursary Up to RM 1,000!
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Cost Estimates to Study In The UK

With World Class Education From £14,000 Annually

Tuition Fees (Per Year)
  • Foundation / A-Level: £18,000 to £28,000
  • Bachelor or Master’s Degree: £14,000 to £38,000
  • Doctoral: £22,000 to £34,000
Living Expenses (Per Month)
  • Outside London: £900 - £1,300
  • London: £1,500

Why study in the UK

High Quality Education
Home to 16 of world’s top 100 universities and leading research fields, UK education standards are highly recognised and credible worldwide
Financial Support
Scholarships, bursaries, grants and loans by the universities, governments or organisations are available for international students
Enriched Student Life
Did you know - more than 500,000 international students go to UK each year? Learn & experience new cultures beyond your classrooms from people around the world
Work Opportunities
You can apply to work in the UK for 2 years through the Graduate Route upon graduation, have the chance to switch to a permanent job and grow your career
Good Value for Money
The tuition fee is generally lower than US & Australia, and the living cost is reasonable. A degree in the UK also takes less time to complete, thus minimise the total cost
Develop Professional Skills
You can take on an internship, work placement or part-time work up to 20 hours/week during your study to build new skills and gain real world experience
High Quality Education
Home to 16 of world’s top 100 universities and leading research fields, UK education standards are highly recognised and credible worldwide
Financial Support
Scholarships, bursaries, grants and loans by the universities, governments or organisations are available for international students
Enriched Student Life
Did you know - more than 500,000 international students go to UK each year? Learn & experience new cultures beyond your classrooms from people around the world
Work Opportunities
You can apply to work in the UK for 2 years through the Graduate Route upon graduation, have the chance to switch to a permanent job and grow your career
Good Value for Money
The tuition fee is generally lower than US & Australia, and the living cost is reasonable. A degree in the UK also takes less time to complete, thus minimise the total cost
Develop Professional Skills
You can take on an internship, work placement or part-time work up to 20 hours/week during your study to build new skills and gain real world experience

Our Partner Universities

Other Top Ranked UK Universities
In Collaboration with ApplyBoard
Buzzword : unienrol2024

Why students prefer us

Malaysia’s Largest University Enrolment Platform

Study Abroad Consultation

Study Abroad Consultation

Our counsellors help students to find the perfect pathway to their dream course, get matched to the best university overseas, and apply for scholarships.
from 1000+ reviews

Guide to Your Perfect Course

No matter what your passion is, you will find the right course with us checking your eligibility, comparing course modules and fees, exploring credit transfer options and preferred study modes in UK universities.
Guide to Your Perfect Course
Fast Turnaround Application Time
Instant Scholarship Match
Pre & Post Departure Briefing
Visa Assistance & Application
Accommodation Arrangement
Airport Pick-up Arrangement

All Our Services are FREE

From application and personal statement review, to scholarship eligibility and availability check, we will help to fast track your offer and guide you through the application process until you start class.

Student Accommodation with 

Through our partnership with Amber, your search for the perfect accommodation is now much easier!
Choose from 1M+ beds located near top universities and 250+ cities across the globe.
Quick & easy bookings
Quick & easy bookings
Price Match Guarantee
Price Match Guarantee
24x7 Phone Assistance
24x7 Phone Assistance
100% Verified Listings
100% Verified Listings
Nadia Zulaikha
Uni Enrol is very helpful and highly experienced in assisting students from application to departure. Would definitely recommend for future students.
Chloe Ooi
I’ve used their services before, they were really helpful so I sought for their help once again for my Masters applications. They were really helpful and tried all methods to get me interviews with many universities in the UK. They always sent me reminders, and were there with prompt replies when I had difficulties filling up application forms.
My journey in getting into college through Kaplan has been relatively easy and quick with the help of Uni Enrol! Thanks to them, I’ve successfully gotten scholarship within a month. The service itself is top tier and very interactively quick :)
Dylan Ng
Very helpful throughout my whole process. From submitting my portfolio to multiple universities recognised by PAM to UK visa application process. Thanks a lot, Uni Enrol 👊
Latipah Abu
Uni Enrol was very helpful, enthusiastic and always ready 24/7 to respond to my queries. They assisted in securing a place of study in the United Kingdom for my daughter in a short space of time and further assisted in the offer acceptance up to the application of student visa. Well done Uni Enrol and do keep up the good work!
Tan Lee Celestine
Thanks to the excellent service and informative advices from my counsellors (YiRan and Yan), they guide me through every steps of applications, including credit transfer to overseas uni. Highly recommended uni enrol. 🤩🤩🤩
Sharifah Athirah
Thank you to kak siti for helping me with my university application. She is very dedicated and helped me get through some issues that i have with the Uni. Thankfully for her effort, i got in! She was also helpful in my VISA application and guided me for the interview. I would definitely recommend this place for university application.
Isaac Ng
Yi Ran was very helpful through out the whole process and always answering my questions about the visa application process.
Fauziah Othman
Siti has been a great help to 2 of my children who wanted to continue their studies in the UK. She answered our questions & queries. I am grateful and confident in her experience and knowledge.
Luqman Hakim
Great service from Uni Enrol. Responds quickly to enquiries and always there to help me with my application to study in UK and my Visa. 10/10